225 students of 1st year and 2nd year completed 3 certification courses each of 30 hours:
1) Machine Learning with Python
2) Web Designing using Python & Django
3) Data Analysis with SQL.
The institute offered these courses to the students free. The MNC EdTech “UpGrad” ( Singapore Affiliations and Recognition) was given the task of training the students in latest softwares that are used by Corporates. These courses enhance employability.
The courses started on 19th August,2023 and ended on 28th August. A 30 hours rigirous course delivered by world renowned experts of UpGrad was a great experience.
These courses are are very expensive in the open market.
MMEC President Dr.Rajshree Nagaraju opined that these emerging courses should be taught by subject experts of industry. Cost does not matter, but the students should be trained for skill and not for exams only.
The classes are fully Digital with every student enabled with learning devices.