Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering is an academic program at many universities which comprises scientific and engineering aspects of computing.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is an outstanding treasure house of the institute which incubates and inculcates the passionate instinct of computation within the beings associated. The substratum of the department is the young dynamic faculty members under the guidance for senior experienced fellow colleagues. The faculty members nourish, cherish and implant the young buds of the institute with the basic and advanced knowledge and expertise required to build their career and become commendable technocrats. The education system is not only constrained to the traditional curriculum, along-side it acquaints the essential Information Technology standards. The department is accoutered with the expedient IT resources like the latest configuration hardware and software. The departmental library supports the scholars to imbibe and strengthen their knowledge.
Message From Head Of Department
The B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering programme is designed to create globally competent manpower for the information and communication technology (ICT) industry. At the same time, it is also designed to prepare the student for post graduate education in the best universities across the globe. These twin objectives are accomplished by including an optimal mix of fundamental theory subjects and practical, current and industry relevant subjects in the scheme of study.
It gives me pride and pleasure to introduce the Department and its website and I hope you will enjoy exploring contributions of the department. Sitting squarely in an Engineering Faculty, the Department of Computing is focused on devising innovative, correct solutions to hard problems, whilst ensuring that the solutions execute optimally. The staff of Computer Science in involved in many innovative project. Through the department of computer science we have started a MARATHA MANDAL INCUBATION INITIATIVE. We believe that understanding is the first step to being able to solve these problems and Computation lies at the heart of understanding systems.

Prof. Swati Patil
Students & Staff Achievements
KSCST Approved Projects
1) Project titled “E-VOTING SYSTEM BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN.” under guidance of PROF. PROF. PADIYAPPA
KOOGATI in the year 2022-2023

Teaching Staff

Prof. Swati Patil
Assistant Professor, HOD

Prof. Shagufta A S
M.E, (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor

Prof. Kirti Patil
Assistant Professor(Visiting Faculty)
Technical Staff

Ms. Smita Mohite
Diploma (CSE)
Lab Instructor

Mr. Amit S
Diploma (CSE)
Lab Instructor

Mr. Nilakanth Gavade
Diploma (CSE)
Lab Instructor
Supporting Staff

Mr. Sushant Desai

Mr. Basavant N

Mr. Shivaji T
Resource People