Maratha mandal, in collaboration with Reign Human Performance and Health Science Pvt Ltd. (REIGN) is conducting an all-inclusive educational session on the science of Sport. This is one of the first of many initiatives to advance sport in Belgaum driven by Dr. Rajashree Halgekar, the president of Maratha Mandal institutions and schools.
The vision is led Dr. Shruti Bhandurge (PhD, Sport Science) a sport performance scientist, founder and CEO of REIGN. Born in Belgaum, Shruti, is a sports performance scientist, has academic publications and has worked on projects spanning across sports biomechanics, coaching science, performance analysis and artificial intelligence. She graduated from Victoria University, Australia, with a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science, and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Honors) and holds a PhD in Sport Performance from Loughborough University, UK. REIGN founded by her, optimises human performance through the synergistic integration of applied health science, exercise & sport science, and applied technology.
The aim of this collaboration is to baseline athlete performance, identify talent,channelise sports participation and streamline sport performance pathways. Sports science plays an important role in enhancing an athlete’s performance by providing evidence based insights and strategies for informed interventions.
The educational session curated will provide insights into the application of sports science principles to form to enhance performance and reduce injury incidences.
The sessions will be conducted by REIGN on 23rd of July 2024 at Maratha mandal, dental college, Bauxite Road Belgaum starting at 4:00 pm. These sessions are designed for athletes, coaches and parents.