MMEC organized an Industrial Visit to Govt. Tool Room and Training Center (GT&TC) Udyambag, Belagavi for V & VII semester Students of Mechanical Engineering & III semester of Robotics & AI students on14th Nov 2022. GTTC was established in 1997 at Belagavi with the participation of the Karnataka State Government, in collaboration with the Government of Denmark under the Bilateral Development Co-operation Agreement. Proliferation of technology for development of the industries with supply of skilled manpower is the key to meet the needs of the global requirement. Students during industrial visit gained knowledge about Reverse Engineering in Production Management, Basic Operations and hands experience on Pick and place type robots, 3D Printing by fuse deposition and modelling using Plastic and Metallic materials, Programming and working of Advanced CNC Machines. Mr. Ravi Buvaji, Sr. Engineer Technical Services, Design Tech, Prof: Manik Rajangale, and Prof: A. J. Ghadi of MMEC guided the Students during the Industrial visit. Dr. D. G. Kulkarni, Principal, MMEC and Prof: A. C. Mattikalli, HOD, Mechanical Engineering, MMEC motivated the students for Industrial visit.