Robotics and AI
The Department of Robotics and AI is an outstanding treasure house of the institute which incubates and inculcates the passionate instinct of computation within the beings associated. The substratum of the department is the young dynamic faculty members under the guidance for senior experienced fellow colleagues. The faculty members nourish, cherish and implant the young buds of the institute with the basic and advanced knowledge and expertise required to build their career and become commendable technocrats. The education system is not only constrained to the traditional curriculum, along-side it acquaints the essential Information Technology standards. The department is accoutered with the expedient IT resources like the latest configuration hardware and software. The departmental library supports the scholars to imbibe and strengthen their knowledge.
Message From Head Of Department
The primary goal of the course is to equip competent personnel for the industry’s integration of Industry 5.0 technologies. The curriculum includes an equal number of robotics and artificial intelligence courses. Robotics courses include courses in robot design and manufacture, sensing, control, programming, and applications. Courses in Artificial Intelligence encompass programming foundations, machine learning, big data analytics, deep learning, information technology, and communication systems. Furthermore, laboratory components in robotics and artificial intelligence are given an equivalent degree of weightage.
The skill to create intelligent solutions for a range of business challenges in a variety of domains and commercial applications will be taught to students, along with an exploration of subjects including computer vision, robots, deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing.
This course is best suited for students looking to develop world-class knowledge in new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, which will help them distinguish themselves from their peers and advance their careers in the digital age.

Dr. Udaykumar Virupaxappa Kokatnur
Teaching Staff

Dr. D.G.Kulkarni
Professor & Director

Dr. Udaykumar Virupaxappa Kokatnur
M.E., Ph.D
Associate Professor & HOD

Dr. Kiran Lakkam
M. Tech., Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Training & Placement Officer

Prof. Anuj Deshpande
M.S(USA) Industrial & Systems Engineering
Assistant Professor & Digital Transformation and Hybrid Learning(DTHL) Head

Prof. Arati B. S.
B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
Technical staff

Ms. Shilpa M. Chougule
Diploma (E.C.E)
Lab Instructor

Mr. Sunil Kadabi
Diploma (E.C.E)
Lab Instructor
Supporting Staff

Mr. Madhusudan Jadhav

Mr. Santosh Parmoji